Welcome my friends to my new page! My name is "Money Mouse" and I am here to help you start saving!
It's back to school time!! Did you know for every "A" you receive on your report card, I will give you a Money Mouse Dollar?
Not a member of our Club, it's simple to join! If you are 12 or younger, come on in and open an account today and start earning some great prizes! Don't forget to bring your adult, Social Security number and birth certificate with you.
Once you open your Kids Club account you will receive your very own passbook which you can keep track of your growing money! With every $10 deposit you make into your account you will receive a "Money Mouse" dollar which you can save to purchase some really cool prizes.
*Prizes subject to change
Christmas/Vacation Club Account: Everyone always needs help to save for Christmas or that special vacation. Both the Christmas and Vacation Club accounts are dividend bearing accounts. Certain Christmas club accounts may be accessed with no penalty. Christmas Club accounts pay out October 1. Club Accounts may be opened in office or through on-line banking.