If you live, work, worship, volunteer, or attend school in, and businesses and other legal entities located in Lycoming County, you are now eligible to join the Wyrope Williamsport Federal Credit Union. Additionally, anyone related by blood or marriage to a member may join our Credit Union family.
We are a not-for-profit cooperative, owned by our members. As such, we are not subject to income tax. We pass those savings along to our members in the form of lower rates on loans and higher dividends on savings. It's just that simple. We are quite competitive in services offered. Our members enjoy such features as direct deposits, debit cards, credit cards, telephone transfers, internet banking, mobile making and wire transfers. Yet, we believe in true personal service with human-to-human interaction. We like to say we are high-tech, but also high-touch. Our members will be able to purchase low-cost debt protection on loans. In short, the biggest difference between a bank and a credit union is the owner...YOU!!!