We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible financial services. We are also committed to offering easy and convenient electronic services as well.
Now you can receive your statements and notices right on your computer. When signing up for E-Statements, you will receive an E-Notice via your computer email letting you know your statement is available for your review through Online Banking. With this service it is very important that when changing your email address that you keep us informed of any changes. By enrolling in E-Statements you are entitled to a free box of checks annually.
To sign up for our Online Banking service, please fill out this flex teller enrollment form, sign it and return it to the credit union. Flex Teller is our internet banking services. No need to wait for your statements to come and see what checks have cleared your account, transfer money, and much more. You can do that just by logging into your account.
Desktop Banking TutorialThis is a complete automated phone service in which you can check balances, transfer money, and see what checks have cleared your account. The numbers for our audio teller are (570)567-1084 or (570)567-1085 or (570)567-1086.
Take Wyrope with you anywhere you go, on your phone! With our app, you have the convenience of banking in your pocket. We also offer Remote Deposit! Simply take a picture of the check front and back, and you deposit is made! Call 570-323-5188 to enroll today.
Mobile Banking Tutorial